Who Should Attend?

  • Newcomers to UFT
  • Testers with previous automation experience

Exam Details

There is no exam as part of this course.


  • Understand the key principles of test automation
  • How to structure your Automated Testing
  • Gain a full understanding of how UFT integrates with the system under test
  • Understand how you can design robust tests against dynamic applications
  • Gain a complete understanding of how to develop reliable, robust UFT test scripts

Select a date

Please note: this course runs on demand so the price is TBC. It can be arranged to run on-site at your offices as Training for Teams or as a public course if there is sufficient interest.

Please contact us for more details.

Course Content and Agenda

The course is divided into 14 modules:

  • The UFT interface
  • Example applications to be tested
  • UFT settings
  • The Add-In Manager
  • How to create a basic script using record & replay in the keyword view
  • How UFT recognises objects in the system under test
  • The Object Repository
  • Different Object Repository types
  • How to use synchronisation to ensure that UFT waits for your application to complete processes
  • How to insert checkpoints in your script to test your application
  • How to break your script down into smaller components called Actions
  • Types of Actions
  • How to re-use Actions in other scripts
  • How to use the built-in Data Table to data-drive tests with multiple test cases
  • The differences between the Keyword and Expert view
  • The debugging features of the UFT development environment
  • Methods for capturing data from your system under test for checking
  • Outputting to the Data Table and Results
  • Comparison of methods of passing data between multiple Actions
  • How to create your own checkpoints using the Expert view
  • How to check dynamic data
  • How to test dynamic applications whose interfaces change at run-time
  • How to make the Object Repository more flexible
  • Descriptive programming
  • Creating procedures in UFT
  • Storing procedures in function libraries
  • Calling procedures from scripts
  • Supported Browsers
  • Coping with cross- browser testing
  • Smart Identification
  • Key points for overcoming object recognition problems
  • The three recording modes
  • Virtual Objects
  • Mapping custom classes
  • Using Insight Objects to overcome object recognition problems
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