We only offer exams in combination with the relevant course. All of our training courses are carefully developed to give delegates the best possible chance of passing each exam. This is reflected in our consistently high exam pass-rates.
Our online courses are all run in real time with a live trainer, who hosts video conferencing session for each lesson. Full joining details will be sent in a Microsoft Teams invitation from the trainer before the course starts.
Courses are scheduled and run in the same way as the traditional model, with exercises and interaction throughout the session, allowing delegates to ask questions and for the trainer to check understanding through the course.
Course manuals and documentation are available for secure download in advance of the course.
Remote-proctored exams are available from iSQI to take the exam when you are ready, from any location. If delegates don’t wish to take the online exam, we can issue a Pearson Vue voucher to take the exam at one of their test centres.
Yes, we can offer a discount for group bookings and provide Training for Teams at your offices for groups. Please contact us for more information.
To find out information on your previous bookings, please contact our Training Administration team using training@prolifics-testing.com.
Joining instructions are sent out via email around a week before the course start date. This includes a Teams invitation, joining details or venue address, class times and any other important information.
Yes, transfers can be made two weeks before a course start date providing full payment has been received.
Direct substitution of a delegate(s) on a particular course may be made without penalty, provided that a minimum of one week’s notice is given. Substitutions can only be made on a like for like basis: Ie, one delegate can be substituted for another on the same course (not on a course to take place in the future).
Please contact our Training Administration team on training@prolifics-testing.com for more details.
We do not offer job placements as a result of sitting our courses. We do occasionally recruit for positions with the company so please check our Careers page.
If you are booking on behalf of someone else (eg, a colleague) please provide contact details of the person in charge of the booking as joining instructions and a confirmation email will be sent to the email address provided.
Yes, all course materials and provided. They are usually provided for delegates to download from a secure online location in advance of the course starting.
Our training materials come as a package with our courses. However, we do sometimes publish some relevant materials on our Resources page, which can be downloaded.
Lunch and refreshments are provided for some onsite courses. Please check course details for further information or contact us.