Active 10 is a revolutionary app designed to encourage the public to engage in 10 minutes of consistent, brisk walking each day.
This is set against the number of steps logged per day, which is the most common way users measure activity. Brisk activity raises the heart rate, which is proven to be highly beneficial even when compared against tracking thousands of steps.
App Testing
We were proud to be involved in the testing of Active 10, which involved working closely with Public Health England (PHE) and the development team to create a series of tests to prove the apps - designed for both iOS and Android.
The challenge for testing was ensuring that brisk walks were logged, across a broad range of devices, and resulted in an 'Active 10', while slower walks, interrupted walks and journeys on public transport were not logged.
This entailed testing on multiple devices, often simultaneously. The use of sensors and activity tracking meant there was no option other than to use physical devices.
Tests were split into a pack for a full test after a major release, and a shorter regression pack, which could be run more quickly after minor changes and when bug fixes were implemented.
Our team were able to quickly react when updates and patches were released, and stand down while development was taking place.
Our team joined daily standup meetings when active, and were able to provide rapid turnaround on both major upgrades and patch releases, identifying problems before the app was released to the stores.
Our team was instrumental in ensuring the apps were independently tested and working across the range of supported devices.