Functional Testing

When aiming to maintain quality in an application, Functional Testing is often touted as the step with the highest ROI potential. This is thanks to its grounding in tangible data about what is and what isn’t working.

At the simplest level, this might involve identifying if a user entering incorrect credit card details to your payment portal will prompt an error message, or if inputting correct login credentials will actually allow the user to access their account.

An essential dimension of Functional Testing is ‘black box’ testing. This involves the testing team inspecting the application from the perspective of an end user, without the developers’ knowledge of how the code functions internally. This means that an objective perspective can be achieved, and the debugging process is therefore more accurate. ‘Black box’ testing will often involve checking the software interface, internal security, APIs, client/server communications and access to the database.

Our approach

At Prolifics Testing, Functional Testing is often automated using our innovative Accelerators. Developed completely in-house and offered free alongside all of our testing services, these accelerators can help your business slash test times and costs.

When it comes to Functional Testing, our dedicated BA360 Accelerator was developed to jumpstart the Manual Testing process with ‘black box’, ‘white box’ and exploratory testing techniques. BA360 enables automated manual test case generation and test data creation, to deliver value on your projects.

The tool uses Machine Learning and Predictive Analytics to generate test cases automatically and accurately by simply connecting to your application and inputting business requirements, mitigating the reliance of testers on application SMEs, speeding up the test design process and allowing easier entry into automation.

Benefits for your University

With our experience testing for over 30 universities throughout the UK and worldwide, we feel confident in being able to provide the highest quality of service. Our testers can work as part of your internal team, or provide a managed service to give you peace of mind before go-live.

The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the increased need for digital solutions and enabling remote access to student and staff information. As such, if a website, app or platform fails to work as expected, the result is severe disruption to the university as a whole. IT teams are now an invaluable part of higher education organisations, and there has never been a more pressing need for an expert-led Functional Testing service.

Contact Us

If you would like to find out more about how Prolifics Testing can help you with your Functional Testing requirements, please get in touch via email with your request.

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